Friday, 16 August 2013



Standalone application is specific to one computer. So, the resources and data of the application is specific to one computer. AWT frame window, swing frame window applications.
·         Two tier applications needs two computers connected in the Network( generally LAN). So the application data and resources are visible in various computers of that network and only known elements from the network are allowed to access the application.
Ex: Socket applications, JDBC Applications.

·         To execute each java application, one JVM is required. To execute  multiple java applications parallels or simultaneously from a computer multiple JVMS are required in that computer.
·         We can see multiple jvm’s running parallels in a computer to execute multiple java applications simultaneously or parallel.
·         In order to make our applications gloabally make of applications throught web or internet. We need to develop application as web application or website.
·         The resources and data web applications or websites can e accessed globally by using internet through by known or unknown clients.

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