to learn Servlets
Introduction to Servlets
Introduction to Servlets
Overview and
How to compile and execute servlets on tomcat server using Note Pad
How to compile and execute servlets on tomcat server using IDE
Work flow of Servlet
My first servlet application Writeing a small
How to compile and execute servlets on tomcat server using Note Pad
How to compile and execute servlets on tomcat server using IDE
Work flow of Servlet
My first servlet application
Creating a
servlet program
first servlet program by using Note pad (without using IDE)
Life Cycle
Generic Servlet
Web container
Different Methods of Servlet (init(),service(),doPost(),doGet(),destroy())(
Generic Servlet
Web container
Different Methods of Servlet (init(),service(),doPost(),doGet(),destroy())(
Request Processing and HTTP
How does the container know which servlet the client has requested for?
How does the container know which servlet the client has requested for?
doPost()and doGet() methods in Servlet (
Request and Response objects in Servlets(
Servlet Config and Servlet Context objects(
attributes in Servlets
Maintaining the sessions:
session tracking
What is HttpSessionListener
Request and Response objects in Servlets(
Servlet Config and Servlet Context objects(
attributes in Servlets
Maintaining the sessions:
session tracking
What is HttpSessionListener
How servlet intercepts HTTP requests, and the method it runs
Understanding the role of servlets
Evaluating servlets vs. other technologies
Understanding the role of JSP
Configuring the server
Configuring your development environment
Testing the server setup
Servlet Basics
The basic structure of servlets
A simple servlet that generates plain text
A servlet that generates HTML
Servlets and packages
Some utilities that help build HTML
The servlet life cycle
Servlet debugging strategies
Handling the Client Request: Form Data
The role of form data
Creating and submitting HTML forms
Reading individual request parameters
Reading the entire set of request parameters
Handling missing and malformed data
Dealing with incomplete form submissions
Filtering special characters out of the request parameters
Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers
Reading HTTP request headers
Building a table of all the request headers
Understanding the various request headers
Reducing download times by compressing pages
Differentiating among types of browsers
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes
Format of the HTTP response
How to set status codes
What the status codes are good for
Shortcut methods for redirection and error pages
A servlet that redirects users to browser-specific pages
A front end to various search engines
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers
Format of the HTTP response
Setting response headers
Understanding what response headers are good for
Building Excel spread sheets
Generating JPEG images dynamically
Sending incremental updates to the browser
Handling Cookies
Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of cookies
Sending outgoing cookies
Receiving incoming cookies
Tracking repeat visitors
Specifying cookie attributes
Differentiating between session cookies and persistent cookies
Simplifying cookie usage with utility classes
Modifying cookie values
Remembering user preferences
Session Tracking
Implementing session tracking from scratch
Using basic session tracking
Understanding the session-tracking API
Differentiating between server and browser sessions
Encoding URLs
Storing immutable objects vs. storing mutable objects
Tracking user access counts
Accumulating user purchases
Implementing a shopping cart
Building an online store
Servlet internal question paper for web technologies( servlets vs. other technologies
Understanding the role of JSP
Configuring the server
Configuring your development environment
Testing the server setup
Servlet Basics
The basic structure of servlets
A simple servlet that generates plain text
A servlet that generates HTML
Servlets and packages
Some utilities that help build HTML
The servlet life cycle
Servlet debugging strategies
Handling the Client Request: Form Data
The role of form data
Creating and submitting HTML forms
Reading individual request parameters
Reading the entire set of request parameters
Handling missing and malformed data
Dealing with incomplete form submissions
Filtering special characters out of the request parameters
Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers
Reading HTTP request headers
Building a table of all the request headers
Understanding the various request headers
Reducing download times by compressing pages
Differentiating among types of browsers
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Status Codes
Format of the HTTP response
How to set status codes
What the status codes are good for
Shortcut methods for redirection and error pages
A servlet that redirects users to browser-specific pages
A front end to various search engines
Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers
Format of the HTTP response
Setting response headers
Understanding what response headers are good for
Building Excel spread sheets
Generating JPEG images dynamically
Sending incremental updates to the browser
Handling Cookies
Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of cookies
Sending outgoing cookies
Receiving incoming cookies
Tracking repeat visitors
Specifying cookie attributes
Differentiating between session cookies and persistent cookies
Simplifying cookie usage with utility classes
Modifying cookie values
Remembering user preferences
Session Tracking
Implementing session tracking from scratch
Using basic session tracking
Understanding the session-tracking API
Differentiating between server and browser sessions
Encoding URLs
Storing immutable objects vs. storing mutable objects
Tracking user access counts
Accumulating user purchases
Implementing a shopping cart
Building an online store
Question paper for servlets and jsp for WEB TECHNOLOGIES(